AAG provides sensory-friendly school pictures

Xavier Olmo • November 21, 2023

Last week, we provided Cedar Lane School, a special-needs-focused public school in Fulton, MD 3 days of sensory-friendly school portrait photography with a sensory-informed photographer. In many cases, special  needs schools like these have to use the same photography companies that schools with neurotypical students use for their picture day and in practical terms, the two are largely incompatible for three reasons: time, funding and training.
Special needs school picture day

Typically, picture day at a given school only goes for one day to cover hundreds of students where its two snaps and on to the next. For special needs schools, one picture day like this often yields not-so-great outcomes from an inability to spend adequate time with individuals. Time to let them acclimate to setting or come back at a later time if they're having behaviors or happen to be in a sedated state for medical reasons. Just one picture day also often means a number of students are likely to miss out all together since its not uncommon for students with complex conditions to miss school frequently and/or unexpectedly. Even further, with the limited nature of public school funding in general, a second picture day is often out of the question for its price tag.

Another obstacle special needs school face is in the lack of sensory-informed photographers. Getting great images like the one you see above doesn't come quickly on demand. In fact, this is one of 56 shots of this one student taken after about 15 minutes of deploying all the sights, sounds and sensations that make him happy as an individual for a perfectly timed shot right in the middle of his stimming to his favorite song. Multiply this by 124 and, well, one day just doesn't cut it so we gave the school three. Three days so every student has enough time where we, staff and family can do all we can within the comfort level of the individual to get the best shot we possibly can because these kids deserve great school pictures just like any other. 


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